Soooo... I guess Im an official NG Member now?
I write music reviews.. A lot of the time, and if you need a piece reviewed, Im glad to help.
Also, if you like Pivot, youll like me. I Pivot all the time. On Droidz, Im JDofPivot, on YouTube, Im Pivotmasters14. Check them out.
P.S. Jon PWNZ! :D and so does Bert, dont think ID FORGET HIM.
Dude still thanx for the stolen song of me ^^
But you gotta put these pivot movies on ng dude!!^^
would be awesome
Have a nice day pivotting =P
-DJ Martcore
Hey I would, but I dont have flash T.T Its too expensive for meh lol, with the being 12 (lol yeah turning 13 NEXT Halloween) and also no prob with the stolen song. Im always willing to help :D especially for one of my fav music authors... Artists... Creators.. Well one of those xD