View Profile JD14
I enjoy composing music and sometimes remixing songs. I really enjoy anything creative as long as there's someone to share it with :3 MSN: Exothehedgehog@hotma il.com (don't ask, it's old, guys =\)


Age 29, Male

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I wrote a horror story for LAL class.

Posted by JD14 - May 19th, 2008

Firstly, I had a writing assignment for LAL class (LAL as in Language Arts Literacy) I decided to do a horror.

it has a sad ending, hence the smiley icon.

I also posted this on the RPGRevolution.com forums, so dont say I stole it.
Warning: This may make people feel as if they are going to die inside towards the end. Do not read if you are a happy-go-lucky pansy who thinks there is nothing wrong with the world. Also, do not read if you are afraid of supernatural occurances.
Here is the story in a file: Nightmares.rtf
Here is the story in plain text:


On a cold, winter night, Kammeriyhn, who was a boy, decided to go for a walk.
The wind blew his black hair around, but he didn't really mind. His shoes were grinding on the pavement like sandpaper on plaster. He was just walking and thinking, what could possibly happen next... The wind picked up and his coat was blown around like a rag doll being thrown by a small child. "My coat!" he yelled as it almost flew off. The dark blue sky seemed to shimmer like the ocean. "I wonder what it's like being a star up there so high..." He said to himself in a hushed voice. As he walked under a tall, rusted streetlamp, it began to flicker, and as he looked up at it, it went out. He was in the dark and now he couldn't see a thing. As he turned around to go back, he hit his head on the street lamp. Then he tripped over a pebble, which led him to land on a tree stump, roll down a hill, and fall in a shallow lake. "Ow, that really hurt!!" He attempted to get up, but his leg was caught by something... "My leg is stuck!" He yelled. He attempted to break free, but he couldn't. His leg was sinking deeper into the lake, but it wasn't that much of a problem because he was 6'3''. "Somebody help! Please, someone!" he shouted, but it was no use. There were no people around. As he looked into the lake, he saw a bright white skull-shaped face seem to come out, look him right in the eyes, then... POOF!
Kammeriyhn, or Kasha as everyone called him fell out of bed, right onto the floor, and scrambled into a sitting-up position. "That stupid dream!" He said as his heart was pounding like a buffalo drum. "Why do I always have that dream?" he said, gasping in terror. His blanket fell on his head and he had a short spasm until it was on the floor next to him. "Kammeriyhn," His mother called from downstairs. Kasha spoke in a British accent, but he had never been to Britain or even left Illinois. "My name's Kasha!" He yelled down. "You have to go to work at Applebee's!" She yelled up to him, "Its 12 AM!" Kasha had a look of shock in his face. "Why didn't you wake me up," He said. "I thought it would have been better for you to sleep," his mother replied. Kasha was gathering up his clothes, when he couldn't decide which T-shirt to wear, "Be funny and wear an Eyore t-shirt, or wear my favorite Misfits shirt..." He said to himself, "Gah! I can't decide!" So he just put on the pink and grey Eyore shirt.
He ran down the stairs almost tripping over himself, two stairs at a time, because he had to be there by 12:30. "Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!" He was saying so fast that he started tripping over his words too. At the bottom of the steps, he had forgotten there was a small drop, so as he was saying "Gotta go!" He fell and landed face down on his white floor. "UGH!" He said as he tried to get up. He was on his way to Applebee's, on his white & pink bicycle, (which he was given to by his friends for his birthday) when suddenly, CRASH! He fell right off his bike and landed on a sloped hill. "This place looks so familiar," he said to himself, half-remembering his dream. He seemed to be drawn into the hill, so he just decided to walk down it. At the end was a drop, then a lake. "Well, it's now or never," he said to himself. As he stepped on the leaves, they crunched like little pieces of Styrofoam. He jumped and soon landed at the bottom.
Compared to the vast lake, he seemed very small, and his pale face looked like somebody had spilled a bucket of white paint on his skin. He decided to go into the lake, although it might cost him his favorite pair of pants. He trudged in, and almost tripped over a rock. In the middle of the lake, his leg sunk in. He pulled it out, but noticed on the inside what appeared to be a skeleton. "What is that," he said in disbelief. He took a closer look, when he was leaning over so much that he fell right into the hole. The bony fingertips were pressed against him, as he jumped out of the hole and screamed so loudly, birds flew away from their perches on trees about a half mile away. There was a dead body in that small hole.
Kasha thought about calling the police, but his phone was broken because he had fallen into the water-filled hole. All he could do was go back home, get changed, and then go to work. And he did just that. He had two friends, who worked there with him, Karissa, who was a boy too, despite his name, and Tristan, who was Karissa's older brother. Kasha leaned over to Karissa, who was about three inches taller than him, and whispered, "I found a dead body in a lake." Karissa almost jumped four feet in the air but he refrained from doing so, because the Restaurant was packed. "What do you mean a dead body," He said back. "I have been having dreams about the lake, and the body, I need to find out why," Kasha said to him. Karissa looked at Kasha as if he was crazy. "Okay, look," Karissa was saying, trying not to encourage Kasha in case he might be crazy, "I'll go check it out with you after we close, okay?" "Yay," Kasha said quietly.
Throughout the day, the crowd got smaller, and smaller, until there was nobody left. "Are we going to go now?" Kasha said. "Yeah, let me just get my keys," Replied Karissa. They both got in his shiny, new, Honda Accord LX. They drove to where Kasha said he had seen the body in the lake. "Okay, we're here." Karissa said to Kasha. "Now what" "Let's go into the lake," Replied Kasha. They both stepped over the leaves, Kasha leading. "There's a hole in the middle of the lake, that's where the body was buried," Kasha told Karissa.
The sky turned a darker, more sinister color, while they searched through the lake. Eventually, above them was nothing but a black stillness. They had been searching for hours. "I think it's going to start raining, Kasha" Karissa said. "Are you sure you saw a dead body?" "Yes, I'm sure I saw it!" Kasha replied. "Well, it doesn't appear there is any dead body here," said Karissa. "Wait!" said Kasha. "It should be right here, right below me!" "But I thought you said there was a hole there." replied Karissa. "There was!" yelled Kasha. "You think I'm insane, don't you?!" "Okay, look, maybe there was a body here, but it's not anymore. It looks like it's probably around 8 o' clock, we should each be home." Said Karissa, again, trying not to encourage Kasha. "Okay, fine, but tomorrow, I swear, it will be here," Said Kasha.
That night, Kasha couldn't sleep at all... When he finally fell asleep, he had one of the worst dreams in his life. Kasha was walking, but the sky was a dark grey. It seemed as if the world had been turned upside down, and the gravity was pulling him upwards. In this abstract world, he seemed to find peace. He was walking, just like any ordinary day, down his street, but everything was different. The trees were dark and misshapen, the streets were not made of gravel, but of a white-and-grey bumpy, round stone, which looked similar to bone. The sky and all of the clouds were in a circular-shape, with a tinge of red inside them, beginning to spiral in a circle. Every single blade of grass was bent and looked like the blade of a butcher-knife, but rusted. The street lamps seemed to have died, or looked like it, for they were curled around and bent in so many ways it looked like they had been turned into clay and morphed around.
As he walked down the street, it was as if he was watching himself, and not making any movements himself. With every step, he seemed to get closer to reaching a goal unknown to himself at the time. He walked by a drain in the corner of the street, where instead of water flowing into it; a dark fog was seeping out, curling like snakes, and dancing in the hot, arid breeze. As he walked further, however, the world seemed to become more misshapen, and twisted. He spoke, as if something else was compelling him to say the words he was about to say, "I must find it." Again, he repeated the words, "I must find it." He walked towards the hill, walked down it as if there was not gravity pulling him down the hill, but pulling him on the hill.
He walked towards the lake, in which the water was now a blood red color. He stepped in the water, his body encased in dark, black smog. The water didn't splash; it was more like a denser liquid, which instead made thick waves, like blood. In the center of the lake, there was a tombstone, which appeared to be made of bones. When he got to it, he read it out loud. "Help Me," it read. When under him, a hand came out of the water, and grabbed his leg. But it was not a normal, human hand; it was a bony hand, without any flesh or muscle on it. He stared up at the sky, then down at the arm, and soon, he was staring at a skull, floating in the water.
He gasped, but instead of air going into his lungs, a dark, foggy cloud of black mist came out of his mouth and nose, and soon out of his eyes, and then... He woke up.
"Where did it go," Kasha yelled as he woke up, sweating, and in the dark. To his surprise, he was answered by a voice, a disembodied, ghostly voice. "Where did what go?" said the voice. "AAH!!" Kasha screamed. Kasha seemed as if he would have a heart attack if he didn't see what was talking to him. He tried to reach for the lamp on his desk, but it wouldn't turn on. He felt as if the room was being turned back and forth, as if it was sideways on a Pirate Ship. "What do you want?!" He yelled. "Help me," the voice whispered, then air was sucked out of the room, through the window which flew open, and then slammed shut.
Kasha had no choice. If he didn't do something, he would be tormented by this thing for the rest of his life. He had to go to the lake. He quickly got dressed, in his now-clean pink Eyore shirt, belt, and faded jeans. He didn't go on his bike, because it had been bent from the fall earlier. He walked towards the lake, and on the way, everything was normal, unlike in the dream... But it felt all wrong, like he was in the dream, but still in reality was not. He walked, just like he did in the dream, towards that lake. The street lamps were flickering, as if they were telling him, "Come closer."
He was drawing nearer to the lake, still unbeknownst to what may happen to him. He was at the hill, before the drop into the lake. He jumped right off from the top, landed in the lake, and started running to the middle where he had seen the body. "It should be here... I've just got to keep running..." He said to himself while he was breathing heavily because the lake was so large. He was only at most 20 feet away from the center, when he tripped. He landed on his chest, and he was in immense pain. He would have to crawl to get there now, but on the bottom of the lake there were stones, and snakes. If he kept going like this, he was sure to be seriously injured. Groping through the dark, murky water, he was nearing the hole. He could see it. Pulling himself through the bottom, with nothing but his hands and legs on his stomach, like a snake, he was just about to the hole... When he noticed something... His leg was stuck.
He was desperately attempting to break free of the hole, when he was starting to sink deeper and deeper into the hole. He could see the hole where the body was buried, but there was a problem... The body was gone. He thought to himself, "This is a living nightmare." And soon, he was up to his chest in that hole. When he was up to his neck in the hole, he felt his feet touch something... It was the bedrock below the hole. He was going to be stuck there, not able to yell for help, not being able to climb out. Stuck like the corpse he could have sworn he saw. There was no escape.

Give me feedback!


that was a good story

Thanks! Glad to know someone likes it.

Okay guess what everyone :P Kasha said he wont read the whole thing x]
LOL ironic much? x] and its okay :P I dont mind.

wow that freaked the hell right out of me!

Hey! Thanks, but school's over now xDDDD