But it broke. D:
One tip; never ever ever buy a Korg nanoKEY if you have a messy workstation. My key fell off, out of the blue, and I lost the rubber piece. I decided to, instead, get an Akai MIDI keyboard (I forget the model name) soon, which will be quite the investment. (it actually has real keys. :P) However, I do plan on staying with this drum pad and MIDI controller, the nanoPAD and nanoKONTROL. :D
Although this is increasing the time it's taking for me to compose songs, it's only a minor setback. Hopefully I'll get this new keyboard for Christmas or something :3
On a more audio-related note, I somehow keep mixing my genres together. Like, my song, "Yet Another Nameless Song," that was originally 100% hiphop. I managed to merge it with electronica and now it ended up as another Miscellaneous song. I should just call myself Mr. Misc or something, dunno. Either way, I really want to be able to stick to one genre from now on, and it's really going to be tough for me. D: