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Well, the bassline

What you need to fix, is possibly add in some new melodies to go along with it. You need to also change the bassline to not being so oftenly plucked, or, change the synth you're using. Your drums sound like the exact same thing from the original--and that's barely rock.
You also need to fix up the filter on the lead guitar and also fix up the mastering.

BakiTheFox responds:

Would you like to tell me exactly how I'd go back fixing the filtering? This song is just a rough draft idea for what I really wanted to do.

I could totally imagine a trance/dance remix of...

It would be fucking epic. You're a great pianist bro, and this song really does have quite a mood to it.. It seems like a sad, but calm, but also beautiful sort of thing going on. I really like it.

Stalagmite responds:

hehe ! thanks man! i tended to go into a bit of a blind trance with my music, but now i can control my emotions more, i am certainly better than this, considering it was my first song posted ^ ^ thanks dewd! i havent listened to this in months either :D

That was fun to listen to :3

That was very fun to listen to. I don't have time to make a long review right now, but that was really fun to listen to :D I've heard the original, and this is really an awesome parody of it. If you want my entire opinion on it, please do PM me :P

Stalagmite responds:

well it wsnt really a parody tbh. its just my interpretation of the song in acapella medium :D but it many cases i suppose it can br considered comedy :D THANKS dude! you really are too kind even to write this review right nao! :D THANKS!!!!!

Exactly As I Expected.

I expected it to build up like that.. But then when the snares and kicks kicked in I was like, "Damn, bro."
This is nice. It's not godly material, but it's definately first class. (Trust me, there's very little "godly material" on NG, IMO.) But--at 1:16, when you changed it up, it definately seemed like a remix to me. I loved that part.
However, I don't know if you'd ever consider redoing it, but in the kick buildups, I dunno, the really fast kicks (sounds like a buzz to people who don't know much about music form and whatnot) just seemed to build up bad in some places. Either way, it's just preference. I like it :D

Parkerman1700 responds:

Thanks man, I appreciate a thorough review!

It's distorted :U

Turn down the output volume. I'm sure that if you did, it'd be 200% sexier than it already is.
And yes I want a full version :3 But--I don't see how this is Halloween? :o

MmmCake responds:

oh yeah it is i didn't even notice, lol ill upload a new one right away

thanks!! :D


I'm in a bad mood right now but this song cheered me up.
This would be perfect to put "You are a faggot" over some parts, to make a song to send to other people. I'd love to do a cover but I'm afraid I'd screw it up, so I'll just make my own song (don't worry, I won't steal your notes :P) and make a song entitled "You are a Faggot"
And, obviously, I love this little tune. If this was any other genre, it'd still be perfect. It's actually cool and cute and awesome all at the same time.

Rig responds:

Send a link when it's done, lol

Clipping and too high pitched :c

It's kind of obvious that you used a MIDI. But if you didn't then, props. :P
Thing is it seems like you used a MIDI because usually MIDI channels are at full volume--and the piano was too loud and thus got clipped. Again with your other song, it would sound better if it was an octave lower, also a common sign that you're using a MIDI file. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just, you should know to turn the channels down a little bit before exporting them.

NnTelevision responds:

Thanks for the feedback dude. I was just tired of all the pkmn songs people were making with bad notes and bad timing so I did these with what I felt was right.

To answer your question, I might have used a midi but im not sure. I can say that I wasn't on a real piano though. I used Fuity Loops 8 Demo to make this(which means I can't save editable files). I'll just have to remake these songs with a little lower volume and down an octave when i get started on the flash. Thanks again!

The Chorus

That chorus sounded so freaking realistic. Was it real? I actually can't tell :P
Was it sample based? :o Maybe synthesized, but I doubt it.
At any rate, the ending was perfect for this kind of song. Nice and powerful.
The opening was nice and quiet but then when the drums kicked in, it sounded quite obviously ready to explode >:3
The whole rest of the song was obviously filled with tons of stuff I could individually go over reviewing, but, as I have said before, you totally know what you're doing, man.

rtnario responds:

The opening just had to be made that way; I couldn't think of any other way to start my symphonic metal remix of the original track. And...well...same with the ending XD

Would you believe me if I said everything I've ever made here on NG was sample-based AND synthesized yet it sounds like this? :)

Thanks for another review and the fav! Hope my next songs won't let you (and 66 others) down!

Take This One From A Gamer

..Who always studied the songs in the games :P
Okay, before the review I have to thank you for replying to my reviews :D So thanks :D

Okay, so, basically, obviously you know exactly how these kinds of songs are composed. The hits are in perfect place.. And those pauses are great even though this totally sounds like a battle theme. The transition at the end really really makes it end very beautifully, like most battle songs do, but most of all, I love when peopel mix metal/rock with videogame--and if they do it right, like you did, it all ends up making a perfect battle theme. I do have a feeling this is a battle theme.. Possibly a character theme. (I don't know much about the game you're inspired from, but as far as I can tell this is 100% originally composed by you)
Simply put this is an awesome song. And when I say awesome, I literally mean awesome rather than "cool," if you know what I mean. :P

rtnario responds:

Thanks for replying to my reply of your reply for my song. Therefore I shall give you this reply for your reply which I replied to when you replied to my song. :)

Yes I do! These kinds of songs are actually one of the closest to my style of composing, or at least I think so. Probably because I get inspired from them, no duh XD You are 100% correct that it is a battle theme, and 200% for it being a character theme. Unfortunately, I did mention that in the author's comments, which means you're wrong when you say it's 100% originally from me. :(

"...my remix of Kyosuke Nanbu's theme..."

You can try Googling the theme and hearing it for yourself. You'll see that this song is almost completely a copy of the original melody-wise. But no, the original (and by that I mean the one on the GBA) did not have pianos or orchestration, and of course my own variations. :)

I suggest you play the game if you like strategy RPGs. If you like this, there's no doubt that you'll like its soundtrack...and of course the awesome game. Thanks again for the review!

Maybe an octave lower

Got the melody dead on, maybe you used a MIDI, dunno, point is it's way too high pitched. Even for a piano, you could definately have it one octave lower.

NnTelevision responds:

Thanks! Will do! It'll be fixed by the time the movie comes out!

I enjoy composing music and sometimes remixing songs. I really enjoy anything creative as long as there's someone to share it with :3 MSN: Exothehedgehog@hotma il.com (don't ask, it's old, guys =\)


Age 29, Male

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