Yeah, for Social Studies class, I have an assignment. It's journal entries in the Civil war, and I figured, well, why not make it funny? And it ended up being just that. Here yah go:
Jack Diller: Social Studies Journal
Hello! My name's Jimbob. I was born in New Jersey, and so, I live in the north. I just finished 8th grade and my 19th birthday was three days ago, on the 10th of December, 1859. I got held back a lot, because I couldn't do math stuff. My family's not very large, but there's plenty of ugly to go around, 'specially with my sister, Sue. She has 11 toes, but the doctor said he couldn't amputate one because a major vein goes through it, and she'd die if he did. Sue's got 6 kids, 5 less than her husband did from his last marriage. Now they've got 17 kids in total, which, I think, is just plain stupid. Well, she is 17, girls can get married at 14. She also insists not to tweeze her one eyebrow, which covers both sides of her face. I like to do yard work to make a simple living, nothing too much, nothing too little. I've got a Mohawk, like those Indians used to have, and I like it a lot. I'm 3'9'', very short for my age, but Ma says I'll have a growth spurt any day now. I don't believe her.
Dec. 20, 1860
Wow! Abraham Lincoln just became president of the United States! He gets to live in a white house, but last time I checked that's where the crazy people go. Then again, I'm not that intelligent, but Pa says smarts aren't everything; you gotta have money, that's all you need to live in this crooked world. Pa is a very depressing man. I heard he wants to go to war. I don't like fighting very much, but if I get sent out to fight, then I get sent out to fight, because, really, I don't have anything better to be doing. Since my birthday was 13 days ago, and now that I'm 20, I was able to get some private tutoring so I'm not "as stupid," as my little sister says. She beats me in any game we play, like checkers, and tic-tac-toe. I never understood why you have to use X's or O's. Why not Q's or Z's? When I use Q's, she says I'm cheating and then I have to forfeit. I heard some states left the South, where those slaves are, to stay with us, like one big happy family. I think what they did was a good idea, cuz I don't like the south very much. They sell other people and it's not nice. Sometimes, I heard, they kill them, but that's not possible, I mean, it's not easy to kill another guy, especially if they're working all day long. And Ma always says you can't kill someone, no matter what, so I'll just listen to her.
April 15, 1861
It's shocking, Journal. Abe Lincoln, the guy in the big white building where the crazy people are, declared war. Imma probably going to have to fight, you know, with me being 20 and all. As I said in my last entry, I don't really care if I fight or not. I've got nothing better to do. Sue says that war is a bad alternator. I don't know what she meant by alternator, but I know it's a bad alternative. Then again I might've heard her wrong, or something. My family, being in New Jersey, doesn't really care about the war. We do, though, care about the Seceded States which are obviously going to be attacked by their Southern buddies.
July 21, 1861
Oh no, this is bad. The people on our side of the war, the Union, just lost at Bull Run. The news-man, as we all call him, who comes from town to town telling us stuff about what's going on, said the Generals think their soldiers are not well-trained. I'll show 'em. I'll go out there and fight. He tells us there were a lot of casualties, whatever that means. He said that this will probably prove that the war is going to take a while to end, maybe a short ten years. I don't know about that old guy, but 10 years is a long time, and he might've forgotten to take his medicine. I figure, though, since there are so many dead guys over there, it's going to take a while for the war to be done with.
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